C.A.P.A. originated with the Challenger Air Pilots Association, started in 1931 by Corneilius Coffey, John C. Robinson, Harold Hurd, Willa Brown and Janet Harmon Bragg at Robbins Airport. One of their main objectives was to help each other maintain their airplanes and to honor Bessie Coleman with a memorial flyover tribute on April 30th, the date of her death. Time took its toll on the pilots and the group disbanded.

In 1968, Rufus A. Hunt, Jr., Horace Noble, Marshall Knox, Eugene Edmonds, Jim Barrett, Ray Martin, Sam Miller, Judge Miller, Wendell Levister, Emanuel Handy, Jim Greer, Robert Ray, Phil Smith, Bob McCommon and Clarence and Cecelia Holland decided to resurrect the tradition with a new C.A.P.A., the Chicago American Pilots Association, using the CAPA letters to pay homage to the original CAPA with the objective of being a social club for pilots and to resurrect the memorial flyovers for Bessie Coleman on the Saturday that was closest to April 30th of that year. There was some concern that the name Chicago "American" Pilots would have a connotation that the organization was exclusively African American. While nothing could be further from the truth, the members decided to change the name to Chicago Area Pilots Association, which would encompass all pilots in the Chicago Area while continuing to pay homage the original C.A.P.A., the Challenger Air Pilots Association. The objective of the new C.A.P.A. is to memorialize Bessie Coleman, along with other Women Aviation Pioneers with an annual salute with a name coined by Rufus A. Hunt, Jr., "Aviation's Salute To Pioneer Colorful Women" honoring Bessie Coleman, Willa Brown and Janet Harmon Bragg. It should be noted that Janet and Willa have been enshrined in the Illinois Aviation Hall Of Fame but not Bessie because the Hall Of Fame rules state that a candidate must have made a significant contribution to Aviation for at least 15 years. Bessie Coleman died in a fatal aircraft accident before being in Aviation for 15 years. We would like to get a waiver for that rule so that Bessie Coleman can be admitted to the Illinois Aviation Hall Of Fame based on her years of Aviation Legacy.

The Chicago Area Pilots Association continues to meet monthly to discuss Aviation safety, socialize and conduct group fly-outs with and emphasis on safety and fun.

Respectfully submitted,
Ken Rapier, CAPA Member

Historian: Rufus Hunt Jr. Is recognized for over 40 years of service as a Pilot and Aviation Historian.


Founded in 1968, the mission and vision of Chicago Area Pilots Association(CAPA) are to connect underrepresented populations to all aspects of the Aviation Industry.

CAPA seeks to create an environment which brings together aviation experts, professionals, amateurs and those interested n exploring aviation and aerospace careers, and to impart knowledge, awareness and involvement.

CAPA Seeks to achieve this through outreach activities including formal and informal gatherings, seminars, educational presentations and networking opportunities to individuals, schools and community organizations.

CAPA is the oldest and largest nonprofit flying organization in the Chicagoland area. Membership is open to pilots, non pilots and everyone interested in aviation.

A variety of flying, social, and outreach activities are planned throughout the year which serve to engage our membership and spread our message to the public.

If you are interested in knowing more about aviation, contact CAPA secretary at (708)879-9408.  Or stop by one of our meetings, every third Saturday of the month from 10AM to noon at Gary's B Coleman Aviation.

5701 Industrial Hwy, Gary, IN 46406